Sunday 21 August 2011

Branwen, Daughter of Llyr

Qualities of a King

Acts as peace keeper
Acts as Ambassador
Be a good host
Good Speaker
Loyal to his country
Sacrifices for his country
Ring giver or sharer of treasure
Rewards his warriors or knights
Law Giver and Judge
Fair in decisions
Good listening
Puts country before self
Noble, decisive, respectful
Punishes those who must be punished
Pays blood money or wergild when necessary
Handles pressure, doesn’t lose his temper easily
Keeps his word
Intelligent and wise
Stands for the beliefs of his country
Stands as a symbol of his country

Qualities of Warrior Tradition

Reputation most important thing for both Warrior and King
Honor – if honor is broken revenge is necessary
Loyality connection between King and his warriors
Warriors follow commands of King and protect him, King rewards them with food, shelter, treasure
Oath of Faithfulness exchanged between King and followers
Life after death based on deeds done in one’s life so that the poets will sing
Wergild vs Blood Revenge (blood money as a form of justice)
Banishment as a form of punishment
Murder of one’s family as the greatest sin
Importance of Hospitality
Wyrd – The Role of Fate (Destiny – Norns)

“Since a man may not avert his destiny, he should suffer it well.”

Qualities of Warrior

Superior physical and mental strength
Superior Morals – stands as symbol for his people
Superior Intelligence, Cunning, Mental toughness
Seeks or has done great deeds to build reputation
Follows the command of his King, loyal to king and country
Brave, Courageous
Willing to risk life for others
Follows the idea of Wyrd
Self-Honor – important concept
Self-sacrifice, selfless
Noble, chivalric (? – depends on tradition), just
Keeps the peace
Team player (?)

Role of Women:

Peace Pledge
Mother of Warriors


Motifs: “The troublemaker”; birds and horses, “The Living Head or the Talking Head”; “Betrayal while the King is away”; “Divine Protection”

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