Thursday 15 December 2011


If case any of you wondered what I wanted! (Just kidding).

Monday 12 December 2011


2004. Critic Roland Barthes has said, “Literature is the question minus the answer.” Choose a novel, or play, and, considering Barthes’ observation, write an essay in which you analyze a central question the work raises and the extent to which it offers answers. Explain how the author’s treatment of this question affects your understanding of the work as a whole. Avoid mere plot summary.

2004, Form B. The most important themes in literature are sometimes developed in scenes in which a death or deaths take place. Choose a novel or play and write a well-organized essay in which you show how a specific death scene helps to illuminate the meaning of the work as a whole. Avoid mere plot summary.

2005. In Kate Chopin’s The Awakening (1899), protagonist Edna Pontellier is said to possess “That outward existence which conforms, the inward life that questions.” In a novel or play that you have studied, identify a character who outwardly conforms while questioning inwardly. Then write an essay in which you analyze how this tension between outward conformity and inward questioning contributes to the meaning of the work. Avoid mere plot summary.

2005, Form B. One of the strongest human drives seems to be a desire for power. Write an essay in which you discuss how a character in a novel or a drama struggles to free himself or herself from the power of others or seeks to gain power over others. Be sure to demonstrate in your essay how the author uses this power struggle to enhance the meaning of the work.

2006. Many writers use a country setting to establish values within a work of literature. For example, the country may be a place of virtue and peace or one of primitivism and ignorance. Choose a novel or play in which such a setting plays a significant role. Then write an essay in which you analyze how the country setting functions in the work as a whole.


You might want to read up on rabies on wikipedia -- for a general overview go HERE

QUESTION: Why does Tea Cake have to die? Is it important that he saves Janine from the dog? To what extent does Janine to stay with Tea Cake even though she knows it might be hopeless? The ending - is Tea Cake really dead? Why or Why not?

Thursday 8 December 2011

Okeechobee Hurricane

The 1928 Okeechobee Hurricane is the hurricane presented in THEIR EYES WHERE WATCHING GOD. It is considered the 3rd most deadliest hurricane to strike the U.S. coast (greater than Katrina); it killed over 4,078 people.

Where is Eatonville?

Saturday 3 December 2011

Here are some interesting questions

These question could be used to help direct your dialectical journals if you need help, or to make you glad that you're not answering other people's questions on the text (you're asking and answering your own! - wow, think about that).

NOTE: I didn't write these questions (except question 1), but I don't quite remember where they came from.

1. Their Eyes Were Watching God has been compared to Huck Finn in its use of a journey to discover self. Do you see a connection? How does this work?

2. Why does Janie choose to tell her story only to her best friend Pheoby? How does Pheoby respond at the end of Janie’s tale?
3. Did you like Janie? Do you admire her?
4. Hurston uses nature – the pear tree, the ocean, the horizon, the hurricane – not only as plot device but also as metaphor. How do they function as both?
5. The novel’s action begins and ends with two judgment scenes. Why are both groups of people judging her? Is either correct in its assessment?
6. Many readers consider the novel a coming-of-age novel, as Janie journeys through three marriages. What initially attracts her to each man? What causes her to leave? What does she learn from each?
7. In the novel, speech is used as a mechanism of control and liberation, especially as Janie struggles to find her voice. How does she choose when to speak out or to remain quiet?
8. How important is Hurston’s use of vernacular dialect to our understanding of Janie and the other characters and their way of life? What do speech patterns reveal about the quality of these lives and the nature of these communities?
9. What are the differences between the language of the men and that of Janie and the other women? How do the differences in language reflect the two groups’ approaches to life, power, relationships, and self-realization? How do the novel’s first two paragraphs point to these differences?
10. The elaborate burial of the town mule draws from an incident Hurston recounts in Tell My Horse, where the Haitian president ordered an elaborate Catholic funeral for his pet goat. Although this scene is comic, how is it also tragic?
11. How does the image of the black woman as “the mule of the world” become a symbol for the roles Janie chooses or refuses to play during her quest?
12. Little of Hurston’s work was published during the Harlem Renaissance, yet her ability to tell witty stories and to stir controversy made her a favorite guest at elite Harlem parties. Can you think of some of the passages of wit and humor in Their Eyes Were Watching God?
13. What do the names of Janie’s husbands – Logan Killicks, Jody Starks, Vergible “Tea Cake” Woods – tell us about their characters and their relationships with Janie?
14. What kind of God are the eyes of Hurston’s characters watching? What crucial moments of the plot does the title allude to? Does this God ever answer Janie’s questioning?
15. How do the imagery and tone of the last few pages of the novel connect with other moments in the novel? Does Janie’s story end in triumph, despair, or a mixture of both?
16. What is the importance of the concept of horizon? How do Janie and each of her men widen her horizons? What is the significance of the novel’s final sentences in this regard?
17. How does Janie’s journey – from West Florida, to Eatonville, to the Everglades – represent her, and the novel’s increasing immersion in black culture and traditions?
18. To what extent does Janie acquire her own voice and the ability to shape her own life? How are the two related? Does Janie’s telling her story to Pheoby in flashback undermine her ability to tell her story directly in her own voice?
19. In what ways does Janie conform to or diverge from the assumptions that underlie the men’s attitudes toward women? How would you explain Hurston’s depiction of violence toward women?
20. What is the importance in the novel of the story telling on the front porch of Joe’s store and elsewhere? What purpose do these stories, traded insults, exaggerations, and boasts have in the lives of these people?
21. Why is adherence to tradition so important to nearly all the people in Janie’s world? How does the community deal with those who are “different”?
22. After Joe Starks’s funeral, Janie realizes that “She had been getting ready for her great journey to the horizons in search of people; it was important to all the world that she should find them and they find her.” Why is this important “to all the world”? In what ways does Janie’s self-awareness depend on her increased awareness of others?
23. Are there any questions you would like to ask, or things you would like to discuss?